Frequently Asked Patient Questions

Frequently Asked Patient Questions


Many women travel across the country and overseas for reconstruction surgery. Our patient support team is dedicated to easing this process by helping plan flights, accommodations, transportation, meals, and other travel needs.


Seven out of ten women are not informed of their reconstructive options at the time of breast cancer diagnosis, therefore educating women about all their reconstruction options has become central to our mission. We want our patients to receive thorough information about their procedure in order to make informed health decisions.


We encourage our patients to research before making crucial decisions about reconstruction surgery. Any decision regarding surgery is courageous, and we strive to help women feel safe and secure during what can be a difficult decision making process.

Corrective Reconstruction

Numerous women contact us searching for solutions to unsatisfactory breast reconstruction surgeries elsewhere. See how our surgeons evaluate patients’ results and discuss their corrective reconstruction options.


Our care navigators serve as a patient’s guide by answering all questions, discussing realistic expectations, and ultimately help them through their decision making process.