Stacy R. Henderson, MD

Dr. Henderson Discusses Her Perspective on Restoration of Wholeness Through Breast Reconstruction
Dr. Stacy Henderson is a Plastic Surgeon and fellowship-trained Microsurgeon. She specializes in the most advanced methods of breast reconstruction. As a member or the world-renowned team at the Center for Restorative Breast Surgery, she brings her specialized expertise to the distinguished group of pioneering surgeons who are sought out from all over the world for their revolutionary techniques.
Dr. Henderson graduated with honors from Tulane University in New Orleans and received her medical degree from the Indiana University School of Medicine in Indianapolis. She completed a residency in integrated plastic surgery at the Pennsylvania State University Hershey Medical Center before completing a fellowship in microsurgical breast reconstruction surgery at the prestigious University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.
In her recent work, she has authored articles for publication in medical journals including Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. She has published several book chapters and educational modules and has a long list of accomplishments on the lecture circuit making presentations at national meetings. Dr. Henderson is an active public servant with participation in medical missions to Nicaragua and Costa Rica.
She and her husband love the city of New Orleans for its rich cultural heritage and eclectic history and make their new home in the heart of the Irish Channel. When away from the care of women seeking her extraordinary surgical skills and compassionate approach to patient care, she enjoys traveling, fitness and snowboarding. As a certified sommelier with the National Wine School, she also has an appreciation for fine wine and good food.
2008-2012 – Indiana University School of Medicine
Indianapolis, Indiana
Doctor of Medicine
2003-2007 – Tulane University of Louisiana
New Orleans, Louisiana
Bachelor of Science summa cum laude in Cell and Molecular Biology, Minor in Spanish
Founders Academic Scholarship for $16,000 annually
Board Certification
Eligible for certification by American Board of Plastic Surgery, 2020
2018-2019 – The University of Pennsylvania
Division of Plastic Surgery; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Microvascular Reconstructive Surgery
Residency Training
2012-2018 – The Pennsylvania State University Milton S. Hershey Medical Center
Division of Plastic Surgery; Hershey, Pennsylvania
Plastic Surgery, Integrated
Honors and Awards
Sept 2015 – Best Clinical Paper, 32nd Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons; Philadelphia, PA; September 2015
May 2013 – M.D. of the Month, Milton S. Hershey Medical Center
2011, 2012 – Honors in Surgery Junior and Senior Clerkship, IUSM
Professional Organizations
2012-present – American Society of Plastic Surgeons
2017-present – American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery
2016-present – Plastic Surgery Research Council
2015-present – American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons
Grant Submissions
John Roberts, Stacy Henderson, Cathy Henry, Donald Mackay. Improving resident education with the use of a question bank app. Submitted for a joint Plastic Surgery Foundation/American Council of Academic Plastic Surgeons grant, December 2016. Rejected.
Patrick NC, Lewis G, Black S, Henderson S, Roush E, Taylor K. Biomechanical Stability of Volar Plate Only Versus Addition of Dorsal-Ulnar Pin Plate: A Dorsal-Ulnar Fragment C-3 Type Distal Radius Cadaver Fracture Model. Submitted and received the Penn State College of Medicine Orthopaedic Research Initiation Grant (ORIG)
Book Chapters and Educational Modules
Henderson SR, Mount DL. Treatment of Naso Orbital Ethmoid Fractures. In Mesa J, Buchman SR, Mackay DR, Losee J, Havlick RJ, eds. Atlas of Operative Craniofacial Surgery. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press; May 2017.
Henderson, Stacy R. Charepoo, Rambod. Transplantation and Immunology, Core Surgery. Plastic Surgery Education Network, The Plastic Surgery Curriculum 2014-2019.
Henderson, Stacy R. Hauck, Randy. Dupuytren’s Disease, Plastic Surgery of the Upper Extremity. Plastic Surgery Education Network, The Plastic Surgery Curriculum 2014-2019.
Neves RI, Henderson SR. Complications of the Use Of Acellular Dermal Matrix (ADM) In Breast Reconstruction. In Breast Cancer Surgery and the Principles of Oncoplstic Surgery for Partial and Total Breast Reconstruction. Atiyeh BS, Abbas JS, Ibrahim AE (Eds.). Lap Lambert Academic Publishing. 2015.
Mir HA, Henderson SR: Rheumatoid Arthritis of the Hand. In Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery: The Essentials. Thaller S, Dayicioglu D, Oeltjen JC, Fan KF (Eds.). P. 564-583. World Scientific Publishing Company. 2012.
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Henderson S, Michelotti B, Sun S, Henry C, Ravnic D, Johnson TS, Mackay D, Potochny J. Abstract 66: Is Vicryl Mesh Really a Safe Alternative to Acellular Dermis in Tissue Expander-Based Reconstruction? Plast Reconstr Surg. 135(5S): 52-53, May 2015.
Sood R, Zieger M, Roggy D, Nazim M, Henderson SR, Hartmann B. The effectiveness of a computerized IV infusion protocol to treat hyperglycemia in burn patients. J Burn Care Res. 2012 Sep-Oct; 33(5): 638-41. PMID 22210081.
Oral Presentations
Henderson SR, Parham CS, Johnson TS. Does increased Caprini score predict a higher rate of flap failure in free tissue transfer to the lower extremity? Presented at the American Society for Reconstructive Surgery Meeting; Phoenix, AZ. January 2018.
Henderson SR, Phelan AL, Ravnic DJ. Use of Caprini score as a predictor of flap loss and venous congestion in abdominally-based free tissue transfer for breast reconstruction. Presented at the 63rd Annual Robert H. Ivy Society of Plastic Surgeons Meeting; Philadelphia, PA; April 2017.
Henderson SR, Behar B, Michelotti B, Albright W, Potochny J. Opioid consumption following outpatient plastic surgery procedures. Presented at Plastic Surgery the Meeting; Los Angeles, CA; September 2016.
Henderson SR, Behar B, Michelotti B, Albright W, Potochny J. Opioid consumption following outpatient plastic surgery procedures. Presented at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons; Philadelphia, PA; September 2015. Winner, Best Clinical Paper.
Henderson SR, Michelotti B, Sun S, Henry CR, Johnson TS, Ravnic D, Mackay D, Potochny J. Is Vicryl mesh really a safe alternative to acellular dermis in tissue expander-based reconstruction? Presented at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Plastic Surgery Research Council; Seattle, WA; May 2015.
Henderson SR, Michelotti B, Sun S, Henry CR, Johnson TS, Ravnic D, Mackay D, Potochny J. Is Vicryl mesh really a safe alternative to acellular dermis in tissue expander-based reconstruction? Presented at the 61st Annual Robert H. Ivy Society of Plastic Surgeons Meeting; Hershey, PA; March 2015.
Behar BJ, Sun S, Henderson SR, Hollenbeak C, Samson T. Factors associated with readmission and length of stay in patients with traumatic facial fractures. Presented at the 61st Annual Robert H. Ivy Society of Plastic Surgeons Meeting; Hershey, PA; March 2015.
Henderson SR, Michelotti B, Sun S, Henry CR, Johnson TS, Ravnic D, Mackay D, Potochny J. Is Vicryl mesh really a safe alternative to acellular dermis in tissue expander-based reconstruction? Presented at the 31st Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons; Providence, RI; September 2014.
Henderson SR, Brooke S, Hauck R. Lighted retractor assisted short scar release of the ulnar nerve at the cubital tunnel. Presented at the 31st Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Society of Plastic Surgeons; Providence, RI; September 2014.
Poster Presentations
Parham CS, Henderson SR, Pennock MM, Kulaylat AS, Ravnic DJ. Dose increased Caprini score predict a higher rate of flap failure in free tissue transfer to the lower extremity? Accepted for presentation at the 63rd Annual Robert H. Ivy Society of Plastic Surgeons Meeting; Philadelphia, PA; April 2017.
Henderson SR, Behar BJ, Michelotti BF, Albright WB, Potochny JD. Opioid consumption following outpatient plastic surgery procedures. Presented at the 62nd Annual Robert H. Ivy Society of Plastic Surgeons Meeting; Pittsburgh, PA; April 2016.
Parham CS, Henderson SR, Ravnic DJ. Use of Indocyanine green angiography in assessment of lower extremity Gustilo IIIB Injuries. Presented at the 62nd Annual Robert H. Ivy Society of Plastic Surgeons Meeting; Pittsburgh, PA; April 2016.
Pennock MM, Henderson SR, Samson TD. Retrobulbar hematoma causing acute pulmonary edema. Presented at the 62nd Annual Robert H. Ivy Society of Plastic Surgeons Meeting; Pittsburgh, PA; April 2016.
Henderson SR, Behar BJ, Michelotti BF, Albright WB, Potochny JP. Opioid consumption following outpatient plastic surgery procedures. Presented at the PennState Milton S. Hershey Medical Center Resident Research Day; Hershey, PA; April 2016.
Henderson SR, Michelotti, BF, Sun SX, Henry CR, Johnson TS, Ravnic DJ, Mackay DR, Potochny JD. Is Vicryl mesh really a safe alternative to acellular dermis in tissue expander-based breast reconstruction? Presented at the PennState Milton S. Hershey Medical Center Resident Research Day; Hershey, PA; April 2015.
Behar BJ, Sun S, Henderson SR, Hollenbeak C, Samson T. Factors associated with readmission and length of stay in patients with traumatic facial fractures. Presented at the Keystone Chapter of the American College of Surgeons Meeting Annual Scientific Meeting; Hershey, PA; November 2014.
Henderson SR, Brooke SB, Hauck RM. Lighted retractor assisted short scar release of the ulnar nerve at the cubital tunnel. Presented at the PennState Milton S. Hershey Medical Center Resident Research Day, Hershey, PA; April 2014.
Instructional Courses and Rotations
June 2018 – New York University Gender Affirmation Surgery Observership; New York, NY
August 2015 – The American Society of Maxillofacial Surgeons Basic Course; Philadelphia, PA
April 2016 – Johns Hopkins Bayview Hospital Burn Rotation; Baltimore, MD
2012-2015 – Basic Microsurgery Skills Course (34 hours AMA PRA Category 1 credit)
Public Service and Activities
- American Society of Plastic Surgery, Education Committee, Curriculum Development Subcommittee Member (2014-present)
- Guest speaker for the Surgery Student Interest Group on Work-Life Balance and Women in Surgery (2016, 2017)
- Instructor for an annual resident microsurgical introductory course (2015-present)
- Instructor for a quarterly medical student introductory suturing workshop (2012-present)
Medical School:
- Academic Standards Committee, Class representative (2011-2012)
- Student Outreach Clinic, Monthly volunteer (2008-2012)
- International Service Learning (2005)
- Six-week volunteer medical mission to Nicaragua and Costa Rica Newcomb College Dean’s Student Advisory Committee (2003-2007)
- Class representative Newcomb College Senate
- Class representative (2003-2005)
- Chair, CONNECT (Committee for Organizing Newcomb’s Network:
Education, Communication, and Tradition) (2004) Pi Beta Phi Fraternity for Women - House Management Chair (2006-2007)
Member (2004-2007) Common Grounds Neighborhood Relief (2006-2007) - Biweekly volunteer in post-hurricane Katrina New Orleans Habitat for Humanity (2006-2007)
- Quarterly volunteer in post-hurricane Katrina New Orleans Tutor at the Carter G. Woodson School (2003-2005)
- Biweekly after-school volunteer Tulane women’s club soccer (2003-2005)
- Certified level III sommelier, National Wine School
- Golf
- Snowboarding
- Travel