Re-imagining and Creating What’s Possible

What a revolution in breast reconstruction looks like
With thousands of successful breast reconstructions, our Center has pioneered efforts that have redefined the art of breast reconstruction with techniques that now represent the most sophisticated technology available for breast restoration.
Our Surgeons have broad experience in the state-of-the-art breast reconstruction techniques referred to as perforator flaps. These procedures allow for creation of a breast that is warm and living and once healed, yours for life. To achieve the highest quality results, our team of experts work together to maximize surgical efficiency and individual patient safety. This affords shortened surgical times and produces the best in surgical outcomes.

David S. Cabiling, MD
“I have dedicated my professional career to taking care of women affected by breast cancer. My goal is to help these patients understand what is possible with the best of modern reconstructive breast surgery and to deliver results that minimize the impact cancer has had on their lives.”

Frank J. DellaCroce, MD, FACS
“I continue to be humbled by the impact this work has, both on the women we take care of and those that are near and dear to them. The effects of breast reconstruction have the capacity to transcend the surgical techniques, providing the final link in the circle of treatment, a return to wholeness, and an overall sense of recovery.”

Stacy R. Henderson, MD
“I am focused on providing an exceptional experience and result for women who are otherwise going through one of the most difficult times in their lives. As a woman, I understand the sense of wholeness one can achieve through breast restoration.”

Scott K. Sullivan, MD, FACS
“My hope is to enhance the quality of care to our patients by making available to them the most innovative and progressive treatments possible.”

Christopher G. Trahan, MD, FACS
“I believe it is the attention to detail that gives women the best possible outcomes and a complete sense of well being. I am dedicated to making women feel whole again without sacrificing that which makes her feel like a woman.”

M. Whitten Wise, MD
“As a surgeon, I understand that technical skills are not enough. We must provide the total care of a woman, supporting her through the anxiety and emotions, as well as the treatment and surgery.”

W. Karl Ordoyne, MD, FACS
Surgical Breast Oncologist
“The treatment of breast cancer is continually changing, allowing for more choices for each woman. I share a steadfast commitment to each patient I treat from diagnosis through treatment and into survivorship.”

Alan Stolier, MD, FACS
Clinical Breast Oncologist
“Medical advancements in research and technology have presented more options for breast cancer treatment today. I am pleased to be at least a small part of these advancements allowing us to develop the most appropriate plan for each woman. Together we can anticipate resounding results.”

Mary Jo Wright, MD, FACS
Surgical Breast Oncologist and
Reconstructive Plastic Surgeon
“I long discovered a passion for helping women restore self-image, regain confidence, and feel whole again. It is my goal to provide women with the compassionate and quality care they deserve.”