Other Resources

Center for Restorative Breast Surgery is a Proud Mission Partner – Breastcancer.org, the world’s leading online resource for breast health and breast cancer information and support, and the Center for Restorative Breast Surgery have announced a partnership that supports their shared mission to ensure all women are getting the information they need to make informed decisions about their health when faced with a breast cancer diagnosis. The partnership supports this mission by redeveloping the Breast Reconstruction section on Breastcancer.org. The updated section offers the latest information on breast reconstruction techniques and before and after photos, insurance coverage issues, and how to find an experienced surgeon.

The Breastoration Fund was created to help breast cancer patients access the treatment no one talks about – breast reconstruction following surgical mastectomies. The organization recently spearheaded the effort to revive dormant legislation which requires physicians to inform every woman diagnosed with breast cancer in Louisiana of all of her options before any medical or surgical treatment can begin. In 2016, Breastoration helped pass the strongest insurance coverage law in the nation, which closed all loopholes in our laws which discourage or fail to provide coverage for each stage of medically necessary reconstructive procedures.

I’m Taking Charge
We are a team of writers, physicians, and survivors who believe the women that are faced with a breast cancer diagnosis should be empowered with the information to make long-term decisions for both their health and their comfort. While the breast cancer community has done an excellent job at educating women regarding their treatment options, as Breastreconusa.org states, “Less than a quarter (23 percent) of women know the wide range of breast reconstruction options available.” We, therefore, make it our focus to increase that percentage, even while writing on a wider range of topics that affect women with breast cancer. The choice of breast reconstruction ought to be the woman’s, without pressure or bias, and her choice is valid.

Breast Reconstruction Guidebook
The recently published 4th Edition of Kathy Steligo’sThe Breast Reconstruction Guidebook provides information on the most advanced techniques available for women facing a breast cancer diagnosis and is endorsed on its cover and filled with helpful contributions from our very own “Dr. D”.
“Now in its fourth edition, The Breast Reconstruction Guidebook remains the definitive resource for straight talk about restorative breast surgery. Kathy Steligo’s overall message is wonderfully positive and should serve as a north star within the surrounding sea of information. Empower yourself with knowledge and be encouraged,” says Frank J. DellaCroce MD, Founding Partner of the Center for Restorative Breast Surgery.

FORCE is a nonprofit organization for women who are at high risk of getting these cancers due to their family history and genetic status, and for members of families in which a BRCA mutation may be present. Our website can be a helpful resource for anyone who knows she is at risk, who wonders whether she might be at risk, or who cares about the issues and concerns that we face.

Breast Investigators
We are a dedicated social network of proactive individuals, patients, cancer survivors, healthcare professionals, organizations, and advocates communicating on all topics surrounding breast cancer. Our purpose is to help those affected by breast cancer readily gain access to quality information, care, assistance, and support.

Previvors Guide
Through the incredible true stories of five young friends, as well as interviews with more than seventy top breast cancer experts, health writer Dina Roth Port addresses the universal questions of women everywhere who have watched family members suffer from the disease and wondered, “Am I next?”… “Surgical techniques have advanced to the point that a woman can consider a prophylactic mastectomy with reconstruction knowing that, in the end, she will look whole and have natural-looking breasts,” says Frank DellaCroce, MD, FACS.

The Mutant Diaries: Unzipping My Genes
How far would you go to save your life?
Superpowers stem from incredible sacrifices in The Mutant Diaries: Unzipping My Genes, a feisty and frank solo musical from performer/composer Eva Moon. Upon learning she had the BRCA genetic mutation, which spikes the risk of breast cancer to 87% and ovarian cancer to 55%, Moon had to make a life-altering choice: remove her healthy breasts and ovaries or face terrifying odds of cancer. Live music, warmth and generous amounts of humor are all expertly woven in this story of her decision — and the extraordinarily empowering results of that choice.

BRACAnalysis® is a genetic test that requires only a blood sample to determine whether a patient has a BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation, indicating a predisposition to hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC). Once genetic risk is identified, there are specific management strategies that can be employed for early detection, risk reduction and possible prevention.

You can reduce your risk. We can help.
Does breast or ovarian cancer run in your family?

Breast Cancer Support organization provides support for those dealing with issues related to breast cancer.

My Destiny Foundation, Inc.
My Destiny’s mission is to educate, support and most importantly, empower women of all ages who are at high risk of developing breast cancer and who are researching their options to reduce that risk! We are dedicated to providing information, resources and financial assistance to this high-risk community. We provide a safe haven for women so they may gain knowledge about their options, share their journey, and support and inspire each other. Our online community (bosom buddies/BB’s as we like to be called) will inspire each other to become their own health advocate and more importantly, their destiny.

Hadadi, The Center For The Breast Cancer Survivor:
The center is comprehensive and combines both emotional and material support for women coping with breast cancer.
It provides for all the needs of women grappling with breast cancer beyond the medical – a supportive community, information, support for family members, specialty accessories for coping with the side-effects of treatment, and other services.

Red Hot Mamas
Red Hot Mamas® is the leading provider of menopause education and support programs in the United States and Canada and has been educating and engaging women, and healthcare providers, since 1991. The organization has focused solely on providing information and support to women to help optimize their health at menopause and beyond.