How Many Casseroles Can You Eat?
Most people want to be of assistance when they hear about your diagnosis with breast cancer. The problem seems to be how they can best help when they have their own families, work schedules, and problems to deal with.
Some of the best ways my own friends helped me while I was having surgeries, enduring chemotherapy, and receiving daily radiation was by taking the load off my “normal” life.
Really, how many casseroles can one family consume? Evidently, some of our out-of-town friends considered that dilemma and pooled their money in order to send us a $200.00 gourmet-food gift card! Conveniently, my husband placed the order for what he and my son chose to eat, and the delicious meals arrived within a couple of days. My own mouth sores prevented me from enjoying most things during chemo, but that shouldn’t prevent them from enjoying a great meal. This meal service gift card was utilized again while I was away for two months receiving radiation treatments in another city. That gift was enjoyed by our family for weeks!
Because cancer is not fun, and I wasn’t thinking creatively during most of my treatments, my son felt the void. Several friends picked up the slack by inviting him to share in their families’ weekend adventures. Not only did my son have fun, but this also gave my husband and me much-needed time to discuss some of the more sensitive issues at hand.
Looking at a cluttered home, then adding it to my list of things “I should be doing” was depressing. When one of my friends generously paid for a housekeeper to clean my house, I was delighted. I was able to arrange a suitable time, give a few guidelines as to what I would like, and then disappear in to my bedroom. What a joy to reemerge to a sparkling and tidy home. Probably the best part of this service was that my husband didn’t need to clean the house when he returned from his labor-intensive job. Neither did I feel the need to assign additional chores to my son. The job was done, someone was extremely happy to be paid for the job, and I felt fortunate to have such a thoughtful friend!
Basic Supplies
This may seem like a silly thing, but when someone is shopping and throws an extra roll of paper towels or zip-lock baggies in their cart for you, it is heavenly! When one of my friends brought a bag of paper goods to me, I laughed because she is so very practical! However, that turned out to be one of the most useful, tangible gifts I received. Plants, treats, and cards are all so very lovely, but the way to let me know you are really thinking about me is to bring me a roll of toilet paper!
At the end of the day, just knowing someone was still thinking about me and my daily struggle was truly uplifting. Daily, I was reminded of how blessed I was to have so many caring friends in my life. I now know first-hand: it doesn’t take a lot of money to let someone know you care.
About the Author
At the age of 45, with no family history, Tamara received the staggering news that she had malignant breast tumors in both breasts. With a sense of humor and sarcastic wit, Tamara shares the story of her 3-year struggle to accept the things she cannot change (her health), change the things she can (healthcare), and the wisdom to seek out the best treatment available. Now a jubilant survivor, Tamara is telling her story: the story of God’s faithfulness and fortification as she overcame serious health obstacles, all while rearing a teenager! Not only does Tamara prudently share the gripping details of her battle, she also provides insightful understanding to those facing a life-threatening disease, and, perhaps even more importantly, to those who love them, and want to support them during their journey.

Pink Lemonade: A Jubilant Survivor’s Inspirational Story about Overcoming Life’s Challenges and Emerging Triumphant!
At the age of 45, with no family history, Tamara received the staggering news that she had malignant breast tumors in both breasts. With a sense of humor and sarcastic wit, Tamara shares the story of her 3-year struggle to accept the things she cannot change (her health), change the things she can (healthcare), and the wisdom to seek out the best treatment available. Now a jubilant survivor, Tamara is telling her story: the story of God’s faithfulness and fortification as she overcame serious health obstacles, all while rearing a teenager! Not only does Tamara prudently share the gripping details of her battle, she also provides insightful understanding to those facing a life-threatening disease, and, perhaps even more importantly, to those who love them, and want to support them during their journey.