Composite Superior Gluteal Artery Perforator Flaps for Unilateral Breast Reconstruction: A Case Report

Blum CA, DellaCroce FJ, Sullivan SK, Trahan C, Whitten WM. Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery: 2015.
Autogenous breast reconstruction methods offer excellent esthetic outcomes with minimal donor-site morbidity. The technique of “stacking” abdominal flaps, or using both abdominal flaps to reconstruct a single breast, has been described
as a way of creating a breast of adequate volume and projection in a patient with a thin abdomen.1,2 When the abdomen is not an option, either for the sake of volume inadequacy or previous surgical damage to the desired donor site, the superior gluteal artery perforator (SGAP) flap may be considered. Although a single SGAP flap is typically adequate to provide volume in the thin patient, those with larger volumetric requirements may have inadequate donor tissue for satisfactory reconstruction with a single flap.3 In such cases, a composite of two independent SGAP flaps may provide adequate soft tissue to occupy the dimensions of the breast pocket and provide desired projection.